Carolinian Canada
Designed to be a breath of fresh air
Conservationists, students, and outdoor enthusiasts all have a stake in our Carolinian zone. Blue Aardvark designs pieces that help Carolinian Canada’s outreach and reporting to this diverse audience.

It ain’t heavy, it’s my white paper
White papers can be wall to wall text with irascible charts and tables. Heavy, man, heavy. Blue Aardvark designed The Big Picture Report Card Discussion Paper in digestible chunks with easy to access data. A clean white paper about Carolinian Canada’s innovative structure and reporting methods. The result is something that is accessible to all stakeholders in Carolinian Canada. A white paper that’s designed to deliver.

Project: Infographic “Big Picture Report Card Discussion Paper”
Responsibilities: Concept | Design | Production
Credits: Jarmo Jalava, Carolinian Canada Coalition (copy)
Designed for the Outdoorsy
“Go Wild Grow Wild” is Carolinian Canada’s first foray into an Expo that brings conservationists, ecologists, biologists, gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts together. The challenge was to ensure that the branding spoke to a diverse audience especially welcoming those that have an interest in gardening and the outdoors, but not necessarily a deep understanding of the Carolinian Zone. Carolinian Canada already has three successful expo’s under their (green) belt.